2. Have your contact enclose a cheque for 25% of the estimated Booking cost as a non-refundable security deposit.
Make cheques payable to:
Dauphin Bible Camp
(NO post-dated cheques please)
(NO phone in registrations)
Balance is due on registration day.
3. Mail form and cheque to:
Dauphin Bible Camp
Attn: Bookings
Box 686
Dauphin, MB R7N 3B3
Facilities are rustic, with no electricity in the cabins, and non-winterized plumbing. We have equipped ourselves for your convenience with modern washroom and shower facilities, and several cabins large enough for individual families which do have electricity. For those who bring along their own kitchen staff, we have heated cooks quarters with modern washroom and shower facilities. We have room to house approximately 200 people. Our main chalet consists of a large kitchen, a dining and chapel area, and fully functional washroom facilities. We also have a large office building that has a craft room that is suitable for smaller group meetings.