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Andrew & Tasha Sevigny

Executive & Horsemanship Director

Andrew and Tasha became involved in camp ministry in their teenage years and have been involved ever since. After spending nine summers at camp and Tasha six summers, the couple got married, finished school, and Andrew took on the role of Site Director at Dauphin Bible Camp for three years and then stepped in as the Camp Director for the following two years. Tasha spent these five years growing the horse program at Dauphin and using her gifts to offer riding lessons. God then led the couple to Roseau River Bible Camp where they would spend two and half years with Andrew being the Programs Director and Tasha again looking after the horse program.  The couple felt God leading them back to Dauphin, where Andrew has taken on the role of Executive Director and will lead the team at DBC. Andrew and Tasha are excited to be a part of what God is doing through One Hope Canada. No matter what Andrew and Tasha are doing or where God has placed them their number one focus is to bring people closer to Christ. Their beautiful daughter Madison loves being around people, so camp has been a great place for her to grow up. 

Sydney Boerchers

Camp Director

Sydney has been involved with Dauphin Bible Camp her entire life. She started off by attending as a camper, then later taking the Disciples in Training program, which led to spending her summers serving at DBC. She spent many summers learning and growing while serving in the kitchen, first as kitchen help and then as the head cook. This was followed by a summer in the new role of program director. Sydney is very excited about now having the opportunity to serve at camp full-time. She is looking forward to seeing how God will continue to work in the lives of the campers, staff and supporters here at Dauphin Bible Camp.

Herbert and Shandi Ives

Barn Manager

Herbert is the Barn Manager at Dauphin Bible Camp. He moved to the camp with his family in the spring of 2015 as the Site Manager. Over those first 9 years, they had a few more kids, moved off site and changed positions. He is now serving as the Barn Manager, which includes jobs such as, feeding horses, caring for medical needs of horses, fixing fences, etc. Shandi supports him in as many ways as she can, often serving in different roles at camp during the summers. They both have a passion for camp ministry in both leading summer missionaries and helping provide a great environment for children to come hear the Gospel. They have five children who fit right in as camp kids and with the busyness that happens at Dauphin Bible Camp!

Kennedy (and Josiah) Trachsel

Discipleship and Follow up Director

Kennedy has worked at various One Hope Canada Camps since 2014 and is excites to take a new opportunity with One Hope Canada at Dauphin Bible Camp. Kennedy has recently graduated feom Briercrest College with her BA in Christian and Culture Studies. Kennedy is excited to pursue relationships with worked and campers throughout the entire year. She is excited to continue to sharethe Gospel with campers, workers, and supporters alike.

Leonardo (and Alyssa) Godoy

Administrative Assistant

Leonardo began serving at Dauphin Bible Camp in 2021 as a group leader. Alyssa, who he is now married to, invited him to join her in serving at DBC. Leonardo served four summers at camp in different roles, including group leader, cabin leader, work crew, kitchen help, and summer secretary. He is very excited to take this next step in faith in becoming a year-round missionary with Dauphin Bible Camp in the Administrative Assistant role, where he will be the first contact with families as they register for camp and will have many amazing opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with them. He has felt God calling him into ministry, and he is excited to join the DBC team in presenting the Gospel to hundreds of children, youth, and families each year. Thank you for partnering with Leonardo (and Alyssa) to present the Gospel at Dauphin Bible Camp.

Scott (and Elizabeth) Mason

Site Director

Born and Raised in Ninette, Manitoba, Scott has a servant’s heart and a drive to help others in his community. He has worked in the automotive field as a mechanic since high school and served as a Volunteer firefighter and sound technician at church.
Scott and his wife, Elizabeth, supported and volunteered with One Hope Canada for several years. Scott has volunteered for over ten years at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp. He has worked primarily in maintenance and as a skill leader.
Scott has recently started as the full-time Site Director at Dauphin Bible Camp, where he is excited to help and see the camp grow to provide a safe and open place for kids to hear the Gospel.